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Alcohol and Drugs: The Norwegian Experience

NCJ Number
O J Skog, R Waahlberg
Date Published
238 pages
Norwegian researchers and professionals in the alcohol and drug field present background information on alcohol and drug use patterns and control in Norway.
Norway has a restrictive alcohol policy, is known as a country where total alcohol consumption is relatively low, and is a country where negative consequences of alcohol, as measured by traditional standards like liver cirrhosis mortality, are not very prominent. Norway is a major contributor to the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control and plays an active role in the international effort to fight illicit drug trafficking. Norwegian researchers and professionals discuss drinking habits in Norway, trends in the use of drugs among Norwegian youth, and patterns and trends in alcohol-related problems. Consideration is also given to drinking and driving, biological alcohol research, drug abuse treatment, alcohol and drug control policies, and alcohol and drug education. A bibliography of literature published by Norwegian authors since 1980 is provided. References, tables and figures