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Alcohol and Cigarette Free: Examining Social Influences on Substance Use Abstinence among Black Non-Latina and Latina Urban Adolescent Girls

NCJ Number
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Dated: September-October 2011 Pages: 370-386
Caryn R.r. Rodgers; Tracy R. Nichols; Gilbert J. Botvin
Date Published
September 2011
17 pages
This study investigated understanding both predictors and outcomes of substance use abstinence (SUA) within the urban girls of color.
Increases in substance use prevalence among girls, as well as a lack of research conducted with urban girls of color, highlight the importance of understanding both predictors and outcomes of substance use abstinence (SUA) within this population. This study addresses gaps in SUA research through a longitudinal investigation conducted with urban black non-Latina and Latina girls (N = 597) as they transitioned through junior high school. Multivariate logistic regressions found social influences (i.e., friend/family use, drug access) to be significantly associated with girls' SUA, although differential associations were found by race/ethnicity. SUA was also associated with positive adjustment and wellness by ninth grade. Implications for gender-specific prevention programming are discussed. (Published Abstract)