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Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility: Annual Report, July 1, 1991-June 30, 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
29 pages
This annual report, covering fiscal year 1991-1992, discusses operational and programmatic aspects of the Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility in Bordentown, New Jersey.
Following a brief summary of the year's highlights, the report outlines inmate movement and characteristics, inmate morale, mail and visit programs, disciplinary actions, and inmate congress meetings. Personnel, business management activities, the system 36 computer, maintenance, canteen operations, garage, food service, farm operations, and laundry are other topics covered in this report. Professional services offered at the facility include classification and education. During the reporting period, the academic and vocational programs continued to progress, meeting the needs of the growing inmate population in terms of imparting knowledge, skills, and motivation. Social services and organizations were affected adversely by the loss of positions, a hiring freeze, and staff shortages, but the department continues to strive to enhance the quality of services, expand programs, and provide continuing education for the staff. Other areas covered here include psychological and psychiatric services, medical and dental services, religious guidance, satellite units, special treatment unit programs, community release, community service projects, inmate work opportunities, volunteer services, and training programs.