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AIDS Reference Guide: A Sourcebook for Planners and Decision Makers

NCJ Number
M E Carbine, M Welsing
Date Published
1535 pages
The AIDS issues discussed in this reference guide reflect basic questions that typically must be addressed when making AIDS-related decisions, formulating policies, developing benefits packages, drafting legal analyses, considering legislation and regulations, creating community-based service delivery networks, or developing agency action plans.
The section on caseload trends and economic projections examines how the AIDS epidemic is progressing, how it is being tracked, what the costs are and are expected to be, how AIDS is affecting specific risk groups, and how the service needs of these groups differ. The section on financing issues considers how much AIDS-related medical and psychosocial care are costing and will cost as well as how these costs will be financed. The section on testing issues addresses HIV testing policies and programs being used by various institutions, model screening and counseling programs, reporting requirements, and sample guidelines for use by those considering testing and reporting policies. The section on employment policies and issues focuses on how to deal with AIDS in the workplace; this includes consideration of related model corporate policies. Other sections cover impact on healthcare providers; service delivery models; the implications of treatment advances and vaccines; education programs and issues; legal issues and conflict resolution; legislative, regulatory, and governance issues; and other resources.


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