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AIDS Intervention Design for Program Evaluation: The Miami Community Outreach Program

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Issues Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Dated: (Spring 1990) Pages: 223-243
H V Mccoy; S E Dodds; C Nolan
Date Published
21 pages
The Miami Community Outreach Project for AIDS prevention among intravenous drug users (IVDUs) aims to decrease AIDS transmission risk behaviors (frequency of needle use, frequency of needle sharing, frequency of risky sexual behavior, and number of sexual partners) and increase safer sex practices and injection behavior.
IVDUs and sex partners of IVDUs were randomly assigned to standard or enhanced intervention programs. The standard intervention pre-test counseling explained the objectives of the project, the meaning of HIV testing and test results, and risk reduction measures. During the post-test counseling, clients were provided with reinforcement on risk reduction and their test results. The enhanced intervention consisted of pre- and post-test counseling with an additional four hours of individual and group counseling; it emphasized drug addiction, co-factors in AIDS progression, and the negative impact of a drug lifestyle on the development and maintenance of risk reducing behaviors. The enhanced AIDS intervention was based on theoretical models of behavior modification to achieve the objectives of knowledge, attitudes, and skill development using films, written exercises, individual instruction, counseling, and group process activities. Social reinforcers, simulation, and fear were also introduced to deliver risk reduction messages. The standard intervention was evaluated in terms of the number of clients who returned for the post-test counseling, a subjective assessment of the counseling session, and the number who subsequently entered drug treatment programs. The effectiveness of the enhanced program was measured by the number of clients who participated in all the sessions, a subjective assessment of attitude and behavior change, and the number who entered drug treatment programs. The evaluation process was facilitated by the participants who answered the questionnaires and by the interventionists. 61 references. (Author abstract modified)