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AIDS Epidemic Among Blacks and Hispanics

NCJ Number
Milbank Quarterly Volume: 65, S 2 Dated: (1987) Pages: 455-500
S R Friedman; J L Sotheran; A Abdul-Quader; B J Primm; D C DesJarlais; P Kleinman; C Mauge; D S Goldsmith; W El-Sadr; R Maslansky
Date Published
46 pages
This article discusses the disproportionate impact of AIDS on Blacks and Hispanics, the need to mobilize minority communities to deal with the epidemic and its effects, and the need for financial and other assistance from national institutions.
Resources and relationships developed by Blacks and Hispanics that offer many benefits in fighting AIDS are discussed, and data are presented about various aspects of AIDS and race. Specifically, the article focuses on the relative lack of research on race and AIDS, the impact of the disease on various races, survival after AIDS is diagnosed, seroepidemiology, and racial differences in behavior that may affect viral transmission. Also discussed are racial variations in AIDS-related knowledge, beliefs and protective behavior among the general public, and collective responses to AIDS. Tabular data and 36 references.