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AIDS: A Bad Way To Die

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
This video consists of interviews with three inmate AIDS patients at the Taconic Correctional Facility; interviews focus on the symptoms and progress of the disease and patients' attitudes toward their plight.
Two of the patients were bed-ridden at the times of the interviews. One is still ambulatory. Symptoms noted by the patients are their weight loss and weakness. Other symptoms pertain to the particular illnesses which have inflicted them due to their weakened immune system. In one patient, sores from a cancerous condition are visible. Another patient with respiratory problems is receiving oxygen. All of the patients advise against the risky behaviors that led to their HIV infection. Apparently, in all cases the HIV was transmitted through IV drug use. The patients advise viewers to avoid drug use and other behaviors that place them at risk for the HIV infection. They bemoan the devastating consequences of the behaviors that led to their infection. The video notes the dates when the inmates interviewed subsequently died.


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