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AIDS and Intravenous Drug Use: Community Intervention and Prevention

NCJ Number
C G Leukefeld, R J Battjes, Z Amsel
Date Published
312 pages
This book presents papers derived from a technical review meeting, sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, intended to identify and describe innovative ways to prevent and reduce the spread of HIV among drug abusers, their sexual partners, and their children.
The meeting proposed recommendations for future directions for community-based prevention research. For the technical review, "community" was defined as "any set of formal or informal group relationships that has some established criteria for membership." The chapters in this book examine communities from two perspectives: those having one or more demographic characteristics and formal institutional membership. Each author was asked to describe current knowledge about HIV infection in a selected community. Information on each community covers factors that support or hinder protective and preventive behaviors, documented community prevention experiences specific to the target group, suggestions for intervention models for the target groups, and suggestions for associated research initiatives. Communities represented in the chapters include intravenous drug abusers who are black and Hispanic, white males, gays, users of nonopiate drugs, and prostitutes. Also incorporated are institutional settings, including schools, drug abuse treatment facilities, the criminal justice system, shelters for the homeless, the social service system, and the health care system. Chapter references


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