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AIDS and Drug Use: Breaking the Link

NCJ Number
Date Published
53 pages
This report argues for expanded drug treatment and education to break the link between AIDS and drug use.
The spread of HIV infection is inextricably linked to intravenous drug use. Drug abuse treatment may reduce the spread of HIV infection directly, through the elimination or reduction of needle-sharing, or indirectly, through control of sexual behavior. Because drug users have varying characteristics and treatment needs, expansion of all types of drug treatment is needed. Although IV drug users and their sexual partners are difficult populations to educate, they should not be written off as unreachable. The cost of treatment of IV drug use is far less than the cost of treatment for AIDS. If resources are not devoted to drug treatment now, there will be an enormous drain on health care resources in the future. When the primary goal of cessation of drug use cannot be achieved, methods to reduce its risks, including the distribution of bleach and sterile needles, are the next best option. Voluntary counseling and access to HIV testing should be offered as part of treatment with particular attention to the long-term needs for support and followup of those who decide to be tested. 73 notes and a 78-item selected bibliography
