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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): Bridging the Gap Between Information and Practice

NCJ Number
Social Casework Volume: 69 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1988) Pages: complete issue
S L Buckingham
Date Published
85 pages
This special issue contains 11 articles covering a broad range of special concerns about social workers' responsibilities in addressing AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), from issues of AIDS in the inner city to the problems and concerns related to AIDS in rural America.
Women, children, and families are all affected by the AIDS crisis and hence are highlighted in this special issue. In-depth clinical aspects of AIDS are covered, such as the early detection of human immunodeficiency virus-related dementia, countertransference issues and women with AIDS, terminal illness, and the integration of safer-sex education into clinical practice. In all articles, attention is given to the application of this specialized information to clinical populations. Recommendations pertain to practice, prevention, education, and methods and models of care. The articles are intended to provide direction and information to social workers that will enable them to provide effective and timely services to AIDS victims and their families. Review of books on AIDS, a list of AIDS information resources. For individual articles, see 113194-95.


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