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AIDS 88 Summary: A Practical Synopsis of the IV International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

NCJ Number
Date Published
162 pages
This international conference was convened in June 1988 in Stockholm, Sweden, to examine the epidemiology, clinical management, and prevention of AIDS.
The first chapter of the conference proceedings explores the virology of HIV, emphasizing the HIV genome, the HIV life cycle, cofactors in AIDS, and HIV testing. Subsequent chapters concern the pathogenesis and immunology of AIDS (disease progression, AIDS transmission via HIV in body fluids, and vaccine development) and antiviral and immunotherapeutic agents. The chapter on epidemiology discusses HIV-infected subgroups, such as male homosexuals, intravenous drug abusers, prisoners, sexually active heterosexuals, prostitutes, hemophiliacs and other transfusion recipients, organ transplant recipients, and children of seropositive women. Potential risk factors in HIV acquisition are identified, and the spread of AIDS in the developing world is discussed. Ways of preventing AIDS are reviewed, including HIV screening, behavioral changes and vaccine development. A chapter on the clinical management of AIDS deals with opportunistic infections, neurological involvement, tumors, markers of disease progression, and late-stage disease. The final chapter considers workplace issues associated with HIV infection (occupational risk, attitudes and knowledge, and employer/employee practices). The Centers for Disease Control case definition of AIDS and a list of universal precautions against HIV infection are appended. Tables and figures.


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