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Age, Self-control, and Adults' Offending Behaviors: A Research Note Assessing a General Theory of Crime

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Dated: January-February 1999 Pages: 45-54
V S Burton S,; T D Evans; F T Cullen; K M Olivares; R G Dunaway
Date Published
10 pages
A self-report survey of adults in a midwestern urban area was used to examine empirically whether Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory explained criminal and imprudent behaviors in this population.
Responses came from 555 of the 1,197 people to whom questionnaires were sent. Participants were asked how many times during the past 12 months they had committed any of 20 criminal acts and 20 imprudent behaviors such as smoking, having accidents, skipping work, driving fast, and using drugs. The independent variables that measured self-control focused on whether the participants desired immediate gratification; were easily frustrated; were physical versus contemplative, verbal, and patient; and had a preference for risk. The opportunity for involvement in crime was measured with a question about the number of evenings per week the participant went out for recreation activities. Results revealed that low self-control was significantly related with both self-reported crime and self-reported imprudent behaviors through age 50. Therefore, the data generally supported Gottfredson and Hirschi's claim that their theory explained offending across age. Findings provide tentative evidence favoring Gottfredson and Hirschi's predictions on self-control and age; the findings may be added to the growing and diverse empirical support that the general theory is achieving. Tables, notes, and 42 references (Author abstract modified)


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