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Aftermath of Criminal Victimization - A Statewide Survey

NCJ Number
K W Johnson; G W Sykes; E F Snow
Date Published
96 pages
Victimization patterns and the effects of victimization were examined in Kentucky in 1985 using a statewide, two-stage, stratified random citizen survey.

Random-digit dialing procedures resulted in 557 telephone interviews representing 3,843 households on a weighted basis. A total of 20.2 percent of the households experienced a violent or property crime between May 1984 and April 1985: violent crime affected about 6 percent of households, while property crime affected about 19 percent. Violent crime rates were highest in the north central region of the State, while property crime rates were highest in eastern Kentucky. The most severe crimes were located in the north-central region. No differences in victimization rates were found between black and whites. Higher income groups experienced more property crime, while lower income groups experienced more violent crime. Over half of the crimes were not reported to police. Compared to nonvictims, victims showed greater depression, more fear of crime, and greater concern with security and crime prevention measures. A majority of respondents reported generally positive experiences with police, and most indicated a willingness to cooperate with the criminal justice system. Nearly half indicated the use of crime prevention measures, particularly operation identification and child identification. Finally, few victims used victim assistance programs, suggesting that such programs need to be strengthened. Supplemental research information, tabular data, sample survey form, and 8 references.