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Advocating for AIDS Children: A Call to Action (From Courage to Care: Responding to the Crisis of Children with AIDS, P 295-303, 1990, Gary Anderson, ed. -- See NCJ-127599)

NCJ Number
E Kubler-Ross
Date Published
9 pages
Children with AIDS require effective and vocal advocates to take them out of hospitals and other institutions and to prevent experimentation and commercialization of their situations. The best advocates are their biological parents, guardians, and foster and adoptive parents.
The most important need for children with AIDS, particularly those whose medical conditions do not require hospitalization, is a permanent home. Overhospitalization complicates the medical and developmental conditions of children. Obstacles to permanent placements, sometimes caused by the very goal of biological family reunification as well as lack of communication and AIDS education among professionals, must be overcome. Permanency provides a consistent relationship and the facilitation of careful medical and nutritional supervision. The stigma of AIDS and resulting discrimination and fear can be overcome by child advocacy undertaken on a national level. 3 references


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