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Advocacy for Foster Families in the United States Facing Child Abuse Allegations: How Social Agencies and Foster Parents Are Responding to the Problem

NCJ Number
Child Welfare Volume: 70 Issue: 2 Dated: (March/April 1991) Pages: 131-149
R Carbino
Date Published
19 pages
Response to a 1989 national survey in the United States revealed pioneer efforts of a few State foster care agencies and foster parent associations to assist foster parents facing child maltreatment allegations.
Most agency policies and procedures, however, reflect little awareness or understanding of the issue for foster parents; prescribe abrupt and potentially deleterious action; omit important foci; and appear to be strongly influenced by considerations of agency legal liability. Specific changes are recommended in recognition of the issue; revision of policy and procedures governing agency response to maltreatment reports against foster homes; and development, evaluation, and dissemination of more constructive response models. (Publisher abstract)