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Advising the Court and the Offender: The Contribution of Correctional Services to the Sentencing Process (From Court Support and Advisory Services, P 93-106, 1987, Jane Mugford, ed. -- See NCJ-107566)

NCJ Number
D Richards
Date Published
14 pages
The objective advice and information provided by community corrections officers (probation and parole officers) to sentencers in Australia can assist in the imposition of just sentences that result in the minimum necessary intrusion into the offender's life, public safety, and programs that most effectively match offender needs.
Sentencing advisory services provided by community corrections officers benefit the courts by enlarging the information base relevant to sentencing, indicating the correctional programs appropriate for the offender, and advising on what sentencing options are viable in each case. The offender is benefited by the effort to arrive at the minimum necessary intervention which will best serve the offender's treatment needs. The community is served by the tax savings that result from giving priority to noncustodial sentences which not only avoid the exorbitant cost of imprisonment but also enable offenders to continue supporting their families, thus avoiding state welfare subsidies. Additionally, community corrections programs promise greater effectiveness than prison in socializing offenders. 9 references.


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