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Adolescent Suicide: Recognition and Management in the Forensic Setting

NCJ Number
Forensic Reports Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (1989) Pages: 47-63
R L Hendren; S J Blumenthal
Date Published
17 pages
Adolescents who come to the attention of law enforcement agencies have a significant risk of suicide. Their problems include antisocial behavior, substance abuse, running away, family dysfunction, a history of abuse and neglect, and a recent humiliating life event, all of which are associated with increased likelihood of suicidal behavior.
Additionally, conduct disorders and depression are the psychiatric disorders most highly associated with youth suicide, rendering youth in trouble with the law at particularly high risk. Methods for comprehensive assessment, intervention, and treatment for these adolescents are described. The forensic evaluator must be a knowledgeable advocate for the adolescent to assure effective services in a safe and therapeutic setting. 4 figures, 2 tables and 22 references (Author abstract)


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