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Admissions to Juvenile Institutions, Calendar Year 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
Admissions to Wisconsin juvenile correctional institutions during calendar year 1980 totaled 901 (815 males and 86 females), as compared with 1,030 (938 males and 92 females) in 1979.
This is a 12.5 percent decrease from 1979 admission levels and continues a trend which began in 1979 following the adoption of the State's new Children's Code, which provides for community-based treatment of all juveniles except those dangerous to themselves or the public. Of the 1980 male admissions, 541 were new, 156 returns from aftercare, 114 returns from aftercare pending revocation hearing, and 1 from aftercare pending replacement planning. Among the girls, 59 were new admissions, 15 were returns from aftercare; 12 were pending revocation hearings, and 1 was a temporary admission. Slightly over one-half of the admissions came from the seven counties which make up the Milwaukee and Southeastern regions. The median age for boys was 16.4 years and 16.1 for girls. The bulk of the report comprises tabular material.