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Adjustment Problems and Maladaptive Relational Style: A Mediational Model of Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 28 Issue: 10 Dated: July 2013 Pages: 1969-1988
Jessica K. Salwen; K. D. O’Leary
Date Published
July 2013
20 pages
Four hundred and fifty-three married or cohabitating couples participated in the current study.
Four hundred and fifty-three married or cohabitating couples participated in the current study. A meditational model of men's perpetration of sexual coercion within an intimate relationship was examined based on past theories and known correlates of rape and sexual coercion. The latent constructs of adjustment problems and maladaptive relational style were examined. Adjustment problem variables included perceived stress, perceived low social support, and marital discord. Maladaptive relational style variables included psychological aggression, dominance, and jealousy. Sexual coercion was a combined measure of men's reported perpetration and women's reported victimization. As hypothesized, adjustment problems significantly predicted sexual coercion. Within the meditational model, adjustment problems were significantly correlated with maladaptive relational style, and maladaptive relational style significantly predicted sexual coercion. Once maladaptive relational style was introduced as a mediator, adjustment problems no longer significantly predicted sexual coercion. Implications for treatment, limitations, and future research are discussed. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.

