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Addressing a Hidden Problem: Kansas Youth Center Treats Sexually Abused Female Offenders

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (February 1991) Pages: 40-46
J Moore
Date Published
6 pages
The article describes a program in Beloit, Kansas which is designed to help sexually abused female offenders talk about their experiences and deal with its effects on their lives.
During the past 2 years, the Youth Center at Beloit has developed a program that is showing considerable success in terms of results as well as in youth participation. The article describes the program, the numbers involved, and the emphasis of the program. The major emphasis is on education, vocational training, and the development of prosocial life skills. More than half of the female offenders at the Youth Center say that they have been sexually abused and that sharing their stories helps them give each other support. The ingredients making the program work are voluntary participation, location, confidentiality, and staff selection.