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Addressing the Cocaine Problem in Southern California

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 55 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1988) Pages: 45-46
D F Gates
Date Published
2 pages
In response to the shift of the flow of cocaine from the East Coast to the West Coast, particularly into the Los Angeles area, the Los Angeles Police Department has launched two comprehensive programs: a 'full spectrum approach' to narcotics enforcement and a police 'corruption prevention program.'
Statistics on cocaine seizures, arrests, and dispositions in the Los Angeles area show a dramatic rise in cocaine trafficking in the last 2 years. The trafficking is totally controlled by Colombians, who smuggle the cocaine through Mexico into California via planes, boats, vehicles, and body packs. The 'full spectrum approach' developed to counter cocaine trafficking includes legislation and technology, prevention through training and education, juvenile narcotics enforcement, street sales enforcement, entertainment industry enforcement, and smuggled narcotics enforcement. The Los Angeles Police Department's program to prevent police corruption is based on three performance objectives: personnel standards, performance measurement against the standards, and training to develop officers' ability to identify traits that may lead to corruption.