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Addressing the Challenges of Detecting Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault

NCJ Number
Frances Scott
Date Published
September 2024

This article discusses two methods for detecting drugs used to facilitate sexual assault: hair testing and blood proteins.


This brief article addresses the prevalence of drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) through the use of “date rape drugs” such as GHB or alprazolam, and emphasizes the need to understand when a sexual assault occurs through the use of drugs, in order to help determine consent. Also, DFSA cases involve more severe sentences due to the it being considered a more heinous crime. Delays in reporting sexual assault can make it difficult for investigators to detect drugs in fluids such as blood and urine since those drugs are typically eliminated within a short time. This article discusses research projects, funded by the National Institute of Justice, to address the challenges of detecting DFSA for several years after the assault. These projects seek to improve forensic hair testing and how drugs modify blood proteins. The article specifically provides details on efforts by Anthony DeCapri’s lab at Florida International University (FIU), which has employed a novel Design of Experiments method to rapidly investigate parameters relating to optimal procedures for testing hair as well as methods for effectively analyzing blood samples.