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Address by Senator Edward Kennedy at the Dedication of the National Center for State Courts

NCJ Number
E Kennedy
Date Published
0 pages
At a conference held to dedicate the opening of the National Center for State Courts, an organization aimed at improving the State court system, Senator Edward Kennedy discussed the need for innovation in the State courts.
He mentioned three critical areas that affect the State courts: administration of justice, expansion of citizen access to the courts, and removal from the courts of matters the judicial process is not handling effectively. Court costs and delays must be eliminated, and the goals of criminal code reform should be to simplify the law, make it understandable to all citizens, and add provisions to meet new problems. He called for the elimination of sentencing disparity and the overhaul of the criminal sentencing process. He also supported expanded citizen access to the State courts, particularly for minorities and the poor. He mentioned the need to establish Neighborhood Justice Centers to reduce some of the burden on the State courts and cited examples of court reform programs initiated by LEAA. Overall, efficient courts require improved court management, adequate staffing, innovative techniques, and streamlined litigation.