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Address by Chief Justice Warren Burger at the Dedication of the New National Center for State Courts

NCJ Number
W Burger
Date Published
0 pages
At the opening conference to the dedication of the National Center for State Courts, Chief Justice Warren Burger comments on the proper role of the State courts in the administration of justice.
Brief remarks given by the Governor of Virginia, the Chief Justice of Virginia, and the President of William and Mary College precede Burger's address. Burger presents an historical perspective on the role of the State courts vis-a-vis the Federal courts. He emphasizes the need for proper jurisdictional balance between the State and Federal court systems and notes the recommendations of a major study on this topic. Burger considers the State courts to be the basic instrument of justice in the United States and emphasizes that the independence between the State and Federal courts has existed throughout American history. He supports legislation proposed to divide jurisdiction between State and Federal courts, as well as the establishment of State Judicial Councils where judges can meet to exchange views. He discusses the burdens of the current judicial structure and notes that additional judges are badly needed. Finally, he emphasizes that the National Center must remain free of Federal constraints so that State court judges can meet and define their proper sphere of responsibility.


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