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Addictions Treatment for Older Adults: Evaluation of an Innovative Client-Centered Approach

NCJ Number
K Graham; S J Saunders; M C Flower; C B Timney; M White-Campbell; A Z Pietropaolo
Date Published
258 pages
This volume describes an innovative and successful drug treatment program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for elderly persons who have problems with alcohol or other drugs.
The Community Older Persons Alcohol Program (COPA) was initiated in 1983 by S. J. Saunders, a physician who recognized that alcohol and drug problems are not restricted to young people and that these problems often manifest themselves in a variety of unexpected ways in older people. As a result, drug abuse in the elderly is often difficult to detect and treat. COPA uses a client-centered approach that accepts the life problems as the client sees them. The program uses outreach and in-home counseling; does not require the client to acknowledge a drug abuse problem; and provides a holistic, individualized approach for each client. The emphasis is on supporting change in life areas the client deems important with the expectation that improvement in one area will have an impact on other areas. Case studies, descriptions of the program's operation at the clinical level, tables, appended diagnostic instruments and rating scales, index, and 77 references