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NCJ Number
Date Published
54 pages
The 1992 Drug/Role Working Group conducted a case- review project to provide the U.S. Sentencing Commission with statistical and textual profiles of a random sample of 413 defendants convicted of drug-trafficking offenses who had base offense levels of 34 and above.
This sample is 20 percent of the cases from fiscal year 1992 that fit these criteria. The working group's case analyses used factors outlined in proposed amendments 8 and 9 to provide the Sentencing Commission with more information about drug defendants with high base offense levels. This report presents a textual description of the offense conduct and the defendant's involvement in the offense for each case. The report provides summaries of offense behavior because of the large volume of anecdotal evidence that suggests the drug guideline is too punitive for drug defendants with limited involvement in the offense. One table shows the frequency of the most serious function that the 413 defendants had in the criminal activity, and another table portrays the extent of involvement in the criminal activity for all 413 defendants. The third table shows any aggravating or mitigating role adjustments made by the court, and the fourth table lists the 413 defendants by their most serious function and displays the departure rate by each function. Appended coding manual and case summaries