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An Adaptive Approach a Family-Centered Intervention in Schools: Linking Intervention Engagement to Academic Outcomes in Middle and High Schools

NCJ Number
Preventive Science Issue: 10 Dated: 2009 Pages: 221-235
Elizabeth Stormshak; Arin Connell; Thomas Dishion
Date Published
15 pages

This study examined the impact of an adaptive approach to family intervention in public schools on academic outcomes from age 11 to 17.


Students were randomly assigned to the three-session Family Check-Up (FCU), which is designed to motivate change in parenting practices by using an assessment-driven approach and strengths-based feedback. All services were voluntary, and approximately 25 percent of the families engaged in the FCU. Compared with matched controls, adolescents whose parents received the FCU maintained a satisfactory GPA into high school, and intervention engagement was associated with improved attendance. The highest-risk families were the most likely to engage in the family-centered intervention, suggesting the efficacy of integrating supportive services to families in the context of other schoolwide approaches to promote the success and achievement of vulnerable students. (publisher abstract modified)

