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Action Research Applied to Drug Education -- The DAPPS Study

NCJ Number
Drug Education Journal of Australia Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (February 1988) Pages: 7-14
R Thompson
Date Published
8 pages
Drug Abuse Prevention in Primary Schools (DAPPS Study) is a joint venture between the Australian Capital Territory Health Authority and Schools Authority. This report discusses the successful application of Action Research in facilitating the adoption and implementation of drug education in schools.
It is supported by a Research Into Drug Abuse grant provided by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health as part of the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse. Teams of teachers were selected and involved in the Action Research process during 1986 and 1987. The teachers worked in collaborative review and improvement of drug education program. They developed and refined their own teaching strategies. 'Exemplar' lessons were collected, and the content was analysed for effective drug education. Survey data was collected from 2,500 students, teachers, principals, parents, and administrators. The results from this uncompleted study strongly indicate that the Action Research Process is an effective approach to the adoption and implementation of drug education programs in schools. 4 figures, 7 references. (Author abstract modified)