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Action Plan to Combat Drunk Driving in Virginia - A Preventable Loss

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
A task force appointed by Virginia's governor in 1982 assessed the State's current efforts to address drunk driving and identified and recommended several action steps to be taken over the next few years.
The task force's four committees gathered data via interviews, surveys, hearings, site visits to alcohol rehabilitation programs, and staff development of research papers. The State currently uses and should continue to use a multifaceted system consisting of education and other general deterrence measures, detection and apprehension, adjudication, and rehabilitation. Additional recommended actions include the development of an alcohol abuse curriculum for grades kindergarten through 12 in the public schools, raising the legal drinking age to 21, using special patrols and sobriety checkpoints, and making driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.10 percent a per se violation. Recommended changes in rehabilitation include the extension of participation in Alcohol Safety Action Programs to 1 year, the use of small groups and specialized treatment to meet individual needs, regular progress reports, and renewable 3-month drivers' licenses. Specific legislative changes, administrative changes, background information on each recommendation, cost information, and one data table.