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Acculturation and Dating Violence Victimization Among Filipino and Samoan Youths

NCJ Number
Journal of School Violence Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Dated: October-December 2009 Pages: 338-354
Jane J. Chung-do; Deborah A. Goebert
Date Published
October 2009
17 pages
Using data from a survey of 193 Samoan and Filipino youths in Hawaii, this study examined the influence of acculturation components (changes that groups or individuals experience when they are exposed to another culture) on youths' experiences of dating violence.
The study found that of the 193 students who identified themselves as Filipino or Samoan, 143 reported having been involved in dating. Of this sample, 57 percent were Filipino, and 57 percent were females. The mean age of the sample was 16.3. The only features of dating violence measured were verbal abuse and controlling behaviors. Twenty-one percent of the sample reported having dated someone who was abusive. Of the three acculturation components measured (parental role, gender role attitudes, and ethnic identity), parental role and gender role beliefs were related to dating violence victimization, i.e., either verbal abuse or controlling behaviors; however, risk factors differed for controlling behaviors and verbal abuse. Regarding the gender role factor, having sexist attitudes predicted both endorsing and accepting both types of dating violence; however, having gender equality beliefs was related only to being victimized by verbal abuse. One explanation for this finding may be that more empowered girls may threaten and invoke violence reactions from males who ascribe to traditional gender roles. Youth whose parents engaged in physical punishment were more likely to be victimized by both types of dating violence measured. The study did not find gender differences among dating violence victimization rates. Neither did the study find that ethnic identity had any effect on dating violence victimization. The study advises that because sexist attitudes predicted both types of dating violence victimization, more attention should be given to how sexist attitudes and beliefs influence the likelihood of experiencing dating violence. 4 tables, 1 figure, and 38 references