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Accident Reconstruction Computer Programs Reviewed

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 37 Issue: 8 Dated: (August 1989) Pages: 17-19
J E Badger
Date Published
3 pages
This article describes and critiques three accident reconstruction computer programs: TAAR2 (Traffic Accident Analysis and Reconstruction), "Accident Reconstruction," and CAAI (Computer Assisted Accident Investigation).
TAAR's major objectives are to reduce investigative time, improve reliability, and increase the completeness of the information collected. The program will estimate impact speeds based on damage, although the user is cautioned to use such data "advisedly." An impressive feature is TAAR's capability of running iterations or variations of inputs. TAAR2 is useful, not only as a quick way to do several calculations at once, but for checking computations done by other means. "Accident Reconstruction" is similar to several generic accident reconstruction programs, but contains solutions not readily available on similar software, e.g., the hydroplane formula and formulas for lane change and swerve to avoid distances. CAAI covers 15 topics and includes 75 related formulas. Topics run the gamut from Linear Momentum to Center of Mass to Kinetic Energy. The program provides options for motorcycles and large trucks. Any of the programs reviewed would be a useful addition to an accident reconstructionist's software library.