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Abuse, Neglect, and the HIV-infected Child

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Dated: (1991) Pages: 79-88
J M Jason
Date Published
10 pages
The article overviews the problem of HIV infection as it affects children. It discusses some of the abuse and neglect-related problems of children with AIDS.
The effect of HIV on child abuse prevention is considered on two levels: indirect effects such as the burden on health care leading to decreasing resources for child abuse prevention and direct effects in terms of abuse and neglect of HIV-infected children. The financial cost of HIV is discussed with statistics given in tables as to the prevalence of HIV in the United States and its related costs which will reduce the funding pool for other health services such as child protection services. The HIV-related child abuse issues are then discussed in detail and include the issues of school attendance, hospitalization of the HIV-infected child, foster placement, and HIV and the sexually abused child. 9 tables, 2 figures, and 2 references