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Abuse of Juveniles in Public Care and Detention - Hearings Before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice on February 11, May 26 and 27, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
632 pages
In its review of federally assisted crime programs that impact juvenile delinquency, the subcommittee hears testimony on allegations of serious abuses and misconduct in the detention of juveniles in institutions maintained by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Testimony is provided by various congressional representatives, subcommittee investigative staff, juvenile residents of Oklahoma institutions, officials of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, and other Oklahoma State officials. The staff investigation and testimony from juveniles who had been detained in Oklahoma juvenile institutions alleges the excessive use of force in disciplining juvenile residents, sexual relations between staff and residents, staff sexual harassment of female residents, extensive drug use among residents, and an allegation of a staff member selling drugs to residents and soliciting female residents for prostitution. Interviews with residents by subcommittee investigative staff and State investigative reports tend to support the aforementioned allegations. Testimony indicates the inability of the bureaucratic structure to deal promptly with allegation of resident abuse and to dismiss or discipline abusive institutional staff. Testimony also indicates that many status offenders are institutionalized supposedly for care and protection but instead receive abuse and little care or constructive treatment. The appendix contains a report on abuse in juvenile facilities, a submission by Legal Aid of Western Oklahoma, and post-hearing submissions by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.