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Abuse of the Elderly (From Insights Into Violence in Contemporary Canadian Society, P 168-175, 1987, James M MacLatchie, ed. -- See NCJ-122437)

NCJ Number
E Cooper
Date Published
8 pages
Mayor Lastman's Task Force on Abuse of the Elderly (Toronto), formed in January 1985, has mounted a number of activities designed to address the problem.
Based on a literature review and a panel discussion on the abuse of the elderly, the task force has become involved in four major areas. First, a survey of hospitals and social service agencies that care for the elderly was developed to determine the types of services for the elderly, the name of the contact person, service objectives, service description, service staffing, and if such a service exists. The survey found a general absence of emergency room protocol for serving elderly persons. Consequently, the task force established a pilot project at one of the hospitals designed to screen the elderly to determine their needs and the possibility of abuse. A second project, begun in 1985 and continuing until May 1986, was an information hotline at York University designed to provide information and referral services for the elderly. A third project was a forum open to the community that allowed various organizations to present briefs to the task force. This has led to the implementation of a number of the recommended programs. The fourth project, called the Brown Bag Program, provided educational programs for the elderly where they were asked to bring (in a brown bag) to the presentation all the medicines they were taking. After a group presentation on the proper use of medicine, pharmacists met with each participant to answer questions and provide guidance on the use of their particular drugs.