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Aboriginal Youth and Violent Gang Involvement in Canada: Quality Prevention Strategies

NCJ Number
Revue de l' IPC Review Volume: 3 Dated: March 2009 Pages: 135-156
Mark Totten, M.S.W., R.S.W., Ph.D.
Date Published
March 2009
22 pages
This paper provides an overview of the current situation of violent aboriginal youth gang involvement.
Findings suggest that there is an epidemic of Aboriginal youth gang violence in parts of Canada; young Aboriginal gang members are killing each other and committing suicide at rates that exceed those of any other group in Canada. This paper calls for prevention strategies that interrupt the main pathways into gang violence, including serious and prolonged child maltreatment, long-term institutionalization in child welfare, and youth justice facilities, brain and mental health disorders caused by trauma and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), social exclusion and devaluation, and the development of violent and sexualized gender identities. Current models do not incorporate factors related to loss, trauma, and developmental impairments, nor do they focus on historic, social, and economic conditions. Repression approaches are very costly and do not offer long-term solutions; in fact, a substantial body of evidence suggests that law and order approaches actually increase gang activities. This paper calls for a focus that shifts to support a more proven and promising model to address Aboriginal youth gang violence. References