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2023 Victims of Child Abuse Act Report to Congress

NCJ Number
Date Published
12 pages

This report summarizes information about the Victims of Child Abuse Act (VOCA) Programs administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).


This publication is the 2023 annual report to Congress about the Victims of Child Abuse Act (VOCA). VOCA provides for the submission of an annual report to both the Senate and House Committees on the Judiciary. The report provides information about the VOCA Programs administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). OJJDP administers funds to support children’s advocacy centers (CACs) as authorized by VOCA. CACs coordinate the investigation, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases by utilizing multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) of professionals involved in child protective and victim advocacy services, law enforcement and prosecution, and physical and mental health. VOCA funds support programs, as well as training and technical assistance (TTA), that provide children and families access to strong MDTs of highly qualified professionals who respond to and support the healing of victims of child abuse. The VOCA-funded grantee organizations provide specialized TTA to elevate the expertise of child abuse professionals, and develop and improve the functioning of MDTs, CACs, and state CAC chapters to strengthen the system’s response to child abuse and neglect as well as provide direct funding to local CACs through subgrant funding. Currently, OJJDP’s VOCA program portfolio is comprised of six interconnected initiatives. These initiatives provide focused support at the local, regional, Tribal, and national levels to maximize the impact of services for child victims of abuse and ensure access to services and TTA for communities and involved professionals.