NCJ Number
Date Published
December 1995
32 pages
Publication Series
This video of a satellite teleconference examines how three programs are bringing together community policing and human service initiatives in troubled neighborhoods.
Police and human service providers are working in partnership with neighborhood residents, especially the youth, to reclaim communities and improve the quality of life for all individuals in New Haven, Conn.; Lansing, Michigan; and Norfolk, Va. The Yale University Child Development-Community Policing Program (CD-CP) in New Haven, Conn., aims to help children and families cope with stress caused by violence, as well as prevent violent crime in the community. CD-CP gives police officers an array of strategies to help them respond to community violence. The collaboration allows mental health professionals to deliver psychological services more directly and immediately to those members of the community who are most vulnerable and for whom traditional mental health services have been least accessible. There are four components of the CD-CP program: child development fellowship, training seminars, consultation service, and program conferences. The Neighborhood Network Center in Lansing, Mich., is a group of public and private service agencies that share office space and have overlapping target areas and interests. The Center uses an interagency approach to intervene with individuals and families in the neighborhood. It accesses all available resources on behalf of the community; improves the social, health, education, and physical environment of neighborhood residents; and involves neighborhood residents and families in the problemsolving process. The Police Assisted Community Enforcement (PACE) Program in Norfolk, Va., is designed to resolve community problems and to improve the quality of life through partnerships between city government and city residents. Police officials selected neighborhoods plagued by drug trafficking and a high crime rate. Using a multi-agency approach, PACE has a three-phased intervention strategy: Phase I, neighborhood sweeps by police; Phase II, increased motorized patrols and assigned officers to work in the area; and Phase III, the development and operation of community partnerships between police and residents to solve community problems. Call-in questions for panel members are included in the video.
Date Published: December 1, 1995
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