This report presents research findings on crime victim needs and gaps in services for them, as described by providers of such services in Illinois.
A total of 235 victim services providers from all regions of the state responded to an online survey, and a subset of 28 providers also participated in focus groups. Administrative data were also analyzed. This report categorizes crime victim needs as fundamental needs, presenting needs, or accompanying needs. "Fundamental" needs include shelter, food, utility services, and assistance with life skills (education, employment, or housing assistance). "Presenting" needs include mental health care and counseling, medical care, longer term housing and relocation assistance, legal assistance, and substance abuse treatment. "Accompanying" needs may include translation services, transportation assistance, child care, and case management. Victim service providers also identified crime-victim service gaps. The findings in this report have important implications for funders of victim services, victim service providers, and other social service providers who have contact with victims. The report offers five recommendations: 1) Continue to provide victim services that address fundamental and presenting victim needs; 2) Address barriers to service use by meeting accompanying victim needs; 3) Develop a comprehensive plan to address gaps in victim services; 4) Coordinate services across providers to meet victim need; 5) Engage victims and the broader community in efforts to meet victim need. 5 figures and 52 references
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