Describes Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) activities to collect and improve data on crime and justice in Indian country, as required by the Tribal Law and Order Act, 2010. The report summarizes BJS's efforts in 2016 to develop, design, and implement a new statistical data collection program to gather information from tribal law enforcement agencies in the lower 48 states, Village Public Safety Officers in Alaska, and BIA agencies; design and implement two data collections on the activities state and local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors' offices serving tribal lands; complete the data collection for the first census of tribal courts in the United States; study the handling of American Indian and Alaska Native criminal cases in the federal criminal justice system; and enhance current funding programs to support tribal participation in state, regional, and national criminal justice databases.
- A total of 566 tribal entities in the lower 48 states and in Alaska were eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in 2016.
- During fiscal year 2016, BJS held meetings with justice professionals from state, local, and tribal law enforcement and state and local prosecutor offices for the Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies Serving Tribal Lands and the Census of State and Local Prosecutor Offices Serving Tribal Lands.
- In 2015, BJS awarded a cooperative agreement to fund the 2016 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies, the first BJS statistical collection targeting tribal law enforcement and BIA agencies in the lower 48 states and Alaska.
- Data collection for the National Survey of Tribal Court Systems concluded at the end of 2015.
- During 2013, a total of 2,882 American Indian and Alaska Native (both tribal and nontribal) were arrested by federal law enforcement agencies, 1,429 were sentenced in U.S. district courts, 1,740 entered federal prison, and 1,737 exited federal prison (Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics).
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