Police departments that emphasize certain strategic models (e.g. community-oriented policing, problem-oriented policing) may adopt specific types of technology to better achieve their core missions. A contrasting theory is that police agencies do not invest strategically in technology; rather, they adopt technology in a 'black box' without a larger plan for how a particular technology fits within the agency's guiding philosophy or operational goals. Despite the importance of this discourse, very little research has addressed these claims. In addressing this research gap, the current study found little relationship between strategic goals of a law enforcement agency and technology. Agency size, rather than policing philosophy, was a more important determinant of technology use; however, stronger relationships between strategy and technology emerged when the analysis was limited to a subsample of larger agencies (250 or more sworn officers). Specifically, community and hot-spot policing strategies were positively associated with the use of geographic information system technology, social media, and LPRs. Agencies that emphasized hot-spot policing were also more likely to have used BWCs. Implications of these findings are discussed. (publisher abstract modified)
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