This article describes the features of the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ's) bibliography of resources relevant to the Sentinel Events Initiative, which promotes structured analyses of adverse criminal justice events, so as to guide reforms that will prevent the recurrence of the particular type of event being analyzed.
The bibliography consists of journal articles, news stories, and other resources. It includes approximately 1,000 citations, most with abstracts and links to the complete publications. NIJ's intent in creating this bibliography is to provide a centralized platform for publications related to the Sentinel Events Initiative. The bibliography consists of two RIS files. One file, nij-sei-publications.ris (70.7 KB), contains citations to NIJ publications and articles from other sources that discuss the Sentinel Event Initiative. The second file, general-sentinel-events-publications.ris (1.16 MB), contains citations to news articles and research on sentinel events in criminal justice and other fields. The files can be imported into reference or citation manager software, such as Zotero, Endnote Basic, or Mendeley. Suggestions for resources to include in the bibliography are welcome.
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