NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2017
33 pages
This report - one in a series from the Cross-Site Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2011 Second Chance Act (SCA) Adult Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects - summarizes grantees' perceptions of factors necessary to implement programs successfully and serve clients in the most effective manner.
Factors perceived by staff as facilitating successful program implementation were 1) effective planning and thoughtful modifications over time; 2) buy-in from corrections partners; 3) strong public support for reentry; 4) collaboration and communication among partners; 5) effective staffing; and 6) selecting and working effectively with community partners. Factors that stakeholders identified as essential in serving clients effectively were 1) motivating clients to enroll and stay engaged; 2) accurately assessing client needs; 3) working with clients as much as possible before release and providing continuity of care; 4) providing effective case management; 5) recognizing client success and allowing for extended follow-up support; and 6) meeting the key needs of housing, employment, and behavioral health. These findings are based on two rounds of site visits to the seven demonstration sites and interim telephone interviews with staff and organizational partners affiliated with the Adult Offender Reentry Demonstration Project programs in each site. 19 references and appended summary of grantees' program models
Date Published: February 1, 2017
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