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Responding to Domestic Violence in Southern Illinois, Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
10 pages
This is the executive summary of the final report of the process evaluation of the development of a coordinated community response to domestic violence in the city of Carbondale and Jackson County, IL.
Evaluation objectives were to conduct a descriptive analysis of interagency collaboration and the documentation of project history, the identification of research issues related to the safety of domestic violence victims in Carbondale, and work with participating agencies to prepare for a potential outcome evaluation. The data-collection methods were largely qualitative and included document analysis, structured and unstructured interviews, and observations. The major objectives of the community response to domestic violence were victim safety and offender accountability. In pursuing these objectives through a coordinated community response, the project achieved the establishment of an ongoing coordinating council composed of representatives of key agencies; police training; an educational video for victims of domestic violence; police and prosecution protocols for cases of domestic battery; the creation of a Domestic Violence Clinic Program; a consolidated records management system for the Carbondale Police Department; an ongoing community support group for victims and survivors of domestic violence; and probation-police teams to check on offender compliance with no-contact bonds and probation orders. The project coordinating council was found to be the key to the success of these efforts.

Grant Number(s)
Publication Type
Program/Project Evaluation

Date Published: January 1, 2003