This study examining the relationship between teacher stress and job satisfaction, as well as the role of coping as a moderator, showed that there was a negative correlation between stress and job satisfaction, and that coping had a significant moderating effect.
This study investigated the relationship between teacher stress and job satisfaction, and examined the role of coping as a moderator. Results showed that there was a negative correlation between stress and job satisfaction, and coping had a significant moderating effect. Increasing levels of stress had less of a negative impact on job satisfaction for teachers with high coping ratings compared to those with average or low coping ratings. Overall, the results suggest that the development of coping skills could be beneficial for mitigating the effects of stress on job satisfaction. Based on the transactional and Coping-Competence-Context models of stress, the authors expected that coping would serve as a protective factor in the relationship between teacher stress and their job satisfaction. Stress, coping, and satisfaction were measured using single-item scales which are cost-effective and practical instruments for measuring and monitoring teacher stress. A total of 2347 teachers from 93 schools formed the sample for this study. Regression analysis with job satisfaction as the outcome, and stress, coping, and their interaction entered separately were used to test the primary hypothesis. (Published Abstract Provided)
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