The sample represented a fourth of the 306,000 felons sentenced to probation in 1986. Results showed that within 3 years of sentencing, 62 percent either had a disciplinary hearing for violating a condition of their probation or were arrested for another felony. In addition, within 3 years, 46 percent had been sent to prison or jail or had absconded. Moreover, of the 79,000 probationers in the followup survey, 21 percent had not been recommended by the probation department for community supervision. This 21 percent were nearly twice as likely to have their sentence revoked and to be sent to prison (37 percent) as those recommended for probation (22 percent). Fifty-three percent had special conditions attached to their probation, most often drug testing, drug treatment, or alcohol treatment. The financial penalties imposed on the probationers included victim restitution (29 percent), court costs (48 percent), and probation supervision fees (32 percent). Figure, tables, and list of 2 suggested readings
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