Since understanding how menstrual blood changes is necessary to develop a method for bloodstain aging, fluorescence spectroscopy, a promising spectroscopic method for bloodstain analysis, was used to probe the biochemical changes that occur over time in menstrual bloodstains.
Menstrual blood (MB) is a common and important type of forensic evidence, especially in sexual assault cases. MB is composed of peripheral blood (PB), vaginal fluid, and endometrial cells of the uterine wall. In forensic investigations, the differentiation of MB and PB can determine whether the blood present is a result of tissue damage from an assault or a natural cause and thus help to reconstruct the event. It was found that steady-state fluorescence spectra underwent significant changes over first nine hours post deposition. The underlying mechanism of fluorescence changes was proposed to involve the kinetic transformation of three fluorophores: tryptophan, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and flavins. (Publisher abstract provided)
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