This report is the 31st in a series that began in 1981 and features data on adult U.S. residents under correctional supervision in the community. It includes characteristics of this population such as sex, race or ethnicity, and most serious offense. The report details how people move onto and off community supervision, such as completing their term of supervision, being incarcerated, absconding, or other unsatisfactory outcomes while in the community.
- At yearend 2022, an estimated 3,668,800 adults were under community supervision (probation or parole), down 36,700 (1.0%) from January 1, 2022.
- From yearend 2012 to yearend 2022, the total adult community supervision population fell 23%, from 4,790,700 to 3,668,800.
- The probation population stayed under 3 million for the second year in a row in 2022.
- During 2022, the number of persons on parole declined from 745,300 to 698,800 (down 6.2%).
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