This checklist aims to provide privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties policy authors, project teams, and agency administrators with a tool for evaluating whether their policy provisions have met the core principles in the SLTT Policy Development Template; it may be used during the drafting or review stages; and serves as a companion resource to the SLTT Policy Development Template, located in the Privacy Guide.
This checklist has been formatted to mirror the structure and provision that are recommended in the Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties (P/CRCL) Policy Development Template for State Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) Justice Entities. The guide groups P/CRCL Policy provisions according to core policy principles. The checklist is meant to aid reviewers with access to both the P/CRCL policy and the checklist so they may read each question in the checklist and compare it with language in the P/CRCL Policy, noting whether each provision has been fully or partially met, or whether it was not addressed, or not applicable. The document provides an overview of the checklist’s features and layout, special provisions, and additional privacy resources.
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