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Prior Abuse Reported by Inmates and Probationers

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 1999
4 pages
Publication Series
This report describes prior physical and sexual abuse reported by persons in prisons and jails and on probation and examines types of abuse, age when abuse occurred, age of abusers, and the person's relationship with the abuser; the report also looks at drug abuse histories of State prison inmates reporting prior physical and sexual abuse.

Describes prior physical and sexual abuse reported by persons in prison, in jail, or on probation. The report examines type of abuse, age when the abuse occurred, age of the abuser, and the person's relationship with the abuser. It also looks at drug and alcohol abuse and criminal history of State prison inmates reporting prior physical or sexual abuse.

This is the second report based at least in part on the 1997 Surveys of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities. Other surveys used in this report include the Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 1996 and the Survey of Adults on Probation, 1995.

Date Published: April 1, 1999