Seventy papers by 93 authors from 19 countries discuss issues and report on studies pertinent to dilemmas in contemporary criminal justice being faced by the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Eleven papers are presented under the topic of "Introductory Essays." Among the topics addressed in these papers are the link between citizens' attributions of legitimacy to police and their willingness to cooperate with the police and comply with the law, a case study of community policing in the Ukraine, private policing in South Africa, police race relations, corrections management, and data quality as a challenge for modern criminal justice. Eleven papers on general issues in policing focus on such issues as police-community relations, the use of police in peacekeeping operations, methamphetamine enforcement, community policing, police use of firearms, and gender equality in policing. The five papers on "Police Deviance and Integrity" consider organizational commitment in the Slovenian Police Force, measuring the seriousness of police corruption, gender difference in leniency toward police misconduct, and contemporary European trends in handling complaints against police. Fifteen papers discuss various aspects of criminal investigations, and 4 papers consider issues in corrections/punishment. Criminological issues are the focus of 14 papers. Among the topics addressed are psychological differences between domestically violent offenders and nonoffenders, violence between youth groups in a Norwegian city, violence in schools, corruption networks, women victims of stalking, religiosity and delinquency, sex offenses, and organized crime in Serbia. The five papers on security and crime prevention issues consider private security as part of crime prevention strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, security analysis and mapping risks, and local safety councils in Slovenia. The book concludes with five papers on methods used in researching various criminal justice practices and policies. References, notes, and tables accompany the papers.
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